Livraison offerte pour 2 PODA
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Sylvie Meunier is a visual artist, she lives and works in Sète. At the heart of her artistic practice, she collects vernacular photographs, a material which she seizes and reappropriates to construct imaginary stories. For her, the found image is material to invent, a trigger for stories. If it was first of all the similarities in the pauses and attitudes of the characters Don't move anymore , When I grow up , American Dream but also the material aspect of the images ( Before you disappear , Les Métamorphosés ) which interested her , she gradually asserts aesthetic relationships and more subjective corpora which, taken together, come to make sense, through the way she looks at them Mister K. The text and the written word have a central place in this work, and intertwine with the images to infuse them with new meaning. These intertwining of images and texts thus create narratives, stories that question both the photographic medium and literature: fiction and illusion are revisited, questioned at their respective margins.
Her work develops in multiple forms (installations, exhibitions but also published objects, books and games) which she regularly exhibits in France and abroad.

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