Bertrand Desprez
Homanimus #2
Japan, 1999
Pigment print, Rag Baryta Hahnemühle 315g paper
Size: 9 x 12 cm
49,00 €
Total add-ons:
Man cannot live without the animal….From representations to commemorations… Drawn, sculpted in ice or marble….These animals haunt improbable spaces….A lion king abandoned in Denver…A lonely bear head in Yogyakarta …A snow rabbit on the island of Hokkaido….A large gorilla on the Costa del Sol….A royal deer defying a stormy sky in Anet…A Dalmatian accompanied by a headless man….Elephants from ice cream in Sapporo…A poor goat and her lonely kids…At the side of the road, between Moscow and Vladimir…A swan placed on a low wall in Portugal…And this whale showing its tail in Lisbon…Endless inventory of a zoo…Terribly human.